Latest Opinion


Editorial: Bite the bullet and build a new jail

Bite the bullet. It’s the position our county commissioners are in when it comes to construction of a ...


Local Events

Fundraisers Saturday, Feb. 8 Community breakfast, Mocks Church, Beauchamp/Mocks Church roads, Advance, 6:30-10 a.m. $8, pork tenderloin, country ...


Letter to the Editor: Davie EMS among the best

To the editor: I am writing in support of the Davie County EMS. I have no direct knowledge ...


Editorial: Every President deserves our support

There’s a new president in town. And yes, he deserves our support. All of our support. The President ...


Letter to the editor: John Brock was a visionary

To the editor: The Davie Community Foundation lost the last of its six visionary founders on Dec. 29, ...


Letter to the Editor: Community helps Cognition reach fundraising goal

To the editor: The Board of Directors for Cognition of Davie County, Inc. was challenged by the Davie ...


Letter to the Editor: Storehouse mission continues

To the editor: As 2024 comes to an end, I am thankful for your faithful support of A ...


Editorial: Jimmy Carter helped fuel a love of beer

I like beer. A lot. I blame – no, make that thank – Jimmy Carter. The best man ...


Editorial: Some worthy, and not-so-worthy New Year’s resolutions and goals

Another new year, another year of making goals – some folks call them resolutions – that I most ...


Editorial: Punkin was the best dog … ever

He was a good dog. No, he was the best dog. Ever. Punkin – a 6 pound force ...

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