County Line: Harmony Hill Camp Meeting this Saturday under the tent
Published 8:36 am Thursday, March 18, 2021
- Evangelist Ebony Cockerham-Young inspires folks with rendition of "Albaster Box" at "Women's Day" celebration at Piney Grove AME Zion Church last Sunday.
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
By Shirley Thorne
County Line Correspondent
Looking for an enjoyable family event this weekend? Enjoy those favorite southern gospel songs? Then be sure to attend the First Annual Harmony Hill Camp Meeting Music Festival from 2-6 p.m. Saturday, March 20. Bring a chair and enjoy a day of music under the large tent on the square in Harmony (US 21 and NC 901). Featured singing groups are “Freedom Way,” “On Bended Knee,” and “The Primitive Quartet.” There will be a food and coffee truck plus a bouncy house and slide for children. Everyone is invited.
The Rev. Todd Payne, Christian missionary in India, will be the guest speaker at the 11 a.m. worship service at Pleasant View Baptist Church Sunday. With the use of slides, he will discuss mission needs in India and the challenges met by Christian missionaries there. Church members invite others to join them for this service.
The Rev. Kevin Fox of West Jefferson will be the guest speaker at the 11 a.m. worship service at Society Baptist Church Sunday, March 21. Church members invite others.
The Annual Cool Spring Alumni Dinner Meeting always held the first Saturday in May has been canceled.
Remember the Bible study at 7 p.m. tonight (Thursday) at Clarksbury United Methodist Church. Pastor Wall will discuss Chapter 12 of Revelations.
Our other local churches continue to have limited worship and Bible study services with medical directives and online viewing as previously stated. Always, contact church offices or a member for updated changes.
Upcoming community events include: Holy Thursday service at 7 p.m. followed by Easter sunrise service at 7 a.m., breakfast at 8 a.m., worship at 9 a.m., and children’s egg hunt Sunday, April 4 , at Clarksbury United Methodist Church.
Our community extends its deepest sympathy to the family of Julia Thompson Nantz; who died Wednesday evening of last week at Autumn Care of Statesville, where she had resided since 2015. She had been in declining health for several years but had been seriously ill the past few weeks. The fourth of five children, she was born in Iredell County in 1923 to the late Fletcher and Mary Norris Thompson of the Scotts community. After graduation from Scotts High School, she married Leonard W. Nantz of the Wayside community in 1942. The couple made their home on Salisbury Road, where they reared son Johnny. Kind and caring in life; she had been a caregiver for her teenage brother Jimmy after their mother’s death, her mother-in-law Molly in her declining years, and her husband Leonard following his disabling stroke. She enjoyed helping with the Nantz family farm chores, had worked for the Wayside Elementary School cafeteria, and was retired from the J.C. Penney Catalog Department of Statesville. In the mid-1990s Julia and Leonard joined their son and his family in worship at Society Baptist Church, where she was a faithful member of the church and Sunday school. A service celebrating her life was held last Sunday afternoon at Society Baptist; she was laid to rest in the church cemetery beside her beloved Leonard, who died in 2008.
Paul Ressa remains at the Mayo Clinic following heart surgery. Faye Stroud continues to rest at home under treatment for cancer.
Join us in prayer for the Lord’s divine healing and blessings upon Paul, Faye, and others who are having health problems. Pray for the Lord’s comfort and strength upon the family of Julia as they adjust to life without her. Remember in prayer Mildred Benfield and Clyde Marlow. Mildred’s brother Charles Burdette died Tuesday of last week after several years of declining health. Clyde’s mother-in-law Frances Cline Whitener died at Gordon Hospice House Saturday, March 6.
Continue to pray for the families affected by the coronavirus as there were almost 200 related deaths in our state last week and our state’s daily positive test rate had increased to 5.2 percent as of last Monday. Please just wear a mask when out among others as the virus is blind to political persuasion, skin color, financial status, etc.
For news and memories to share, please call Shirley on 336-492-5115 or email