Local Events
Published 9:59 am Tuesday, July 9, 2024
- Just A Lil’ Grace will perform on Thursday, July 18, 6 p.m., at Eaton's Bluegrass Church, 430 Eaton's Church Road, Mocksville. Pastor David Gilbreath will bring a message. A meal starts at 6, followed by music, including a jam session at the end.
Saturday, Aug. 24
Davie High Class of 1964, noon, The Farm at Oak Hill, 186 Kent Lane, Mocksville. Call Chip or Judithy Essic at 3356-692-9987 or Jean Cleary at 336-655-9641,
Aug. 2-4
Vacation Bible School, Salem Methodist, 169 Salem Church Rd., Mocksville. Friday, Aug. 2, 5:45 p.m. registration, 6:30 Session 1, 7 p.m. hotdog supper, games and inflatable; Saturday, Aug. 3, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 4, 9:30 a.m. commencement. Ages pre-K-5th grade. Pre-register at www.myvbs.org/SMCM; or text 980-234-6309.
Grace Church, a new United Methodist congregation, 164 Webb Way, Advance, Sunday School, 8:45 a.m.; worship at 10 led by Dr. Suzanne G. Michael, UM Davie Emerging Community pastor. GraceChurchDavieCounty.org.
GriefShare, Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Bear Creek Baptist, for those needing comfort and support after the loss of a loved one. 336-492-7456.
Special Events
Wednesday, July 17
Mobile Rec Day, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Davie County Public Library, 371 N. Main St., Mocksville. Free wild, wacky and weird games and activities sponsored by Davie Recreation & Parks.
Red Cross Blood Drive, Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Davie Medical Center, 329 NC 801` N., Bermuda Run, 1-5:30 p.m., 4th floor conference room. For appointment, visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733-2767.
Monday, Aug. 5
Davie County Commissioners, 6 p.m., second floor, County Administration Building, Downtown Mocksville.
All events are sponsored by Davie Senior Services. For more information or to register, call 336-753-6230. The main campus at 278 Meroney St. is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. The health and fitness center at the Brock Recreation Center at 644 N. Main St. is open from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Fridays.
Friday, July 12
Foot Care with RN Kathy Najdek, by appointment 10 a.m.-2:45 p.m. at The Brock. Not a pedicure.
Grandparents & Me, 10 a.m. Bring grandchildren or other young people for program.
Crafternoon – Battle of the Cupcakes, 2 p.m. at public library with Rachel Nelson.
Monday, July 15
Monthly movie, 1 p.m. with popcorn.
Tuesday, July 16
Farmer’s Market Vouchers, 1-3 p.m. Pick up vouchers to use at local markets (Must meet low-income requirements).
Thursday, July 18
Senior Book Club, 12:30-2 p.m. at public library with Genny Hinkle.
Monday, July 22
What’s Cooking: Home Hacks, Foods and Fads, 1 p.m.
Wednesday, July 24
Mobile Rec visits Senior Services, 9:30-11:30 a.m.. “Christmas in July” program; bring children and friends.
Thursday, July 25
Kim Shuskey’s Retirement Party, 2 p.m. For retiring director.
Friday, July 26
Crafternoon: Dragon Eggs, 2 p.m., at public library with Rachel Nelson.
Tuesday, July 30
Bingo, 1 p.m. sponsored by Civic Federal Credit Union.
Thursday, Aug. 1
Veterans Social, 8:30 a.m.
Chat with Sr. Tarheel Delegate, 10 a.m.
Diabetes and Nutrition Class, 1 p.m. with Kathy Crotts, Kidney Nutrition Care Center.
Friday, Aug. 2
Bunco, 1 p.m.
Monday, Aug. 5
Bowling Lunch, 1 p.m., awards will be presented, teams for next league picked.
Parkinson’s Support Group, 2-3 p.m. with Kayly Kenedy of Supernus on the topic, Gocovri.
Tuesday, Aug. 6
Blood Pressure Screening, 10 a.m.
Brock Senior Steppers, Brock Gym, open 8-10 each morning and other times with no programs. Register and count steps for monthly and yearly prizes.
Coffee & Caregiving, Tuesdays 10 a.m. via Zoom. Interact with other caregivers, ask staff member Kelly Sloan questions. Open to caregivers of all ages.
Quilting, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Bring own supplies
Crocheting, Wednesdays, 9-11 a.m. with Theresa Manak and Sara Cioffi. Bring own supplies.
Woodcarving, Wednesdays, 9-noon with Tim Trudgeon, $8.75 for new students to cover initial supplies.
Art Class, Mondays, 9 a.m.-noon with Jo Robinson. Beginning to advanced.
Live Music
Bluegrass, 6-8 p.m., MawMaw’s Kitchen, 2076 US 601 S., Mocksville.
Friday, July 12
Jeremiah Barr, 7 p.m., The Station, Downtown Mocksville.
W. Kiley Smith, 6 p.m., Tanglewood Pizza, US 158, Bermuda Run.
Saturday, July 13
Josh Jennings, 7 p.m., The Station, Downtown Mocksville.
Down the Mountain, 6 p.m., Tanglewood Pizza, US 158, Bermuda Run.
Friday, July 19
Michael Chaney, 6 p.m., Tanglewood Pizza, US 158, Bermuda Run.
Saturday, July 20
Envision, 7-10 p.m., on the square in Downtown Mocksville. Free.
Pushin’ Georgia, 6 p.m., Tanglewood Pizza, US 158, Bermuda Run.
Friday, July 26
$2s, 7 p.m., The Station, Downtown Mocksville.
Darrell Hoots, 6 p.m., Tanglewood Pizza, US 158, Bermuda Run.
Saturday, July 27
SoundKraft, 6 p.m., Tanglewood Pizza, US 158, Bermuda Run.
Saturday, Aug. 3
Chris Taylor & The Rumor, Smoke and Mirrors, 7 p.m., Davie Community Park, Southwood Drive, Mocksville. Free.
Whiskey Mic, 6 p.m., Tanglewood Pizza, US 158, Bermuda Run.
Thursday, Aug. 8
Joel, 6 p.m., Tanglewood Pizza, US 158, Bermuda Run.
Saturday, Aug. 17
Moxie, 7-10 p.m., on the square in Downtown Mocksville. Free.
Saturday, Aug. 31
Envision, 7 p.m., Town Center, Kinderton Blvd. off US 158, Bermuda Run. Free.
Saturday, Sept. 7
Little Texas, Braden Hull, 7 p.m., Davie Community Park, Southwood Drive, Mocksville.
Saturday, Sept. 28
North Tower Band, 7 p.m., Town Center, Kinderton Blvd. off US 158, Bermuda Run.
Camel City Yacht Club, 7-10 p.m., on the square in Downtown Mocksville. Free.