Sheffield-Calahaln: It’s Bible School time for area churches
Published 10:21 am Tuesday, June 25, 2024
- Hotdog Saturday at New Union
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
By Brenda Bailey
Birthday wishes to: Eddie Lou Keller on June 29; Kathy Chaffin on June 30; Jodi Renegar, Britt Atkins and Kerri Drye on July 2; Michele Dyson on July 3; and Todd Keller on July 4. Happy anniversary tos: Norman and Louise Spry and David and Dawn Allen on June 29. If you would like a birthday or anniversary listed, let me know.
I was given an old photo of the downtown area showing the oak trees that many were sad to see cut down. The older photo appears to be taken in the late 1930s, but no date was on the photo. A photo taken in 2023 shows our current oak trees. If you’ve been downtown, you may have noticed how large they have grown in the last couple of years. Hopefully, many of us will live to see the “big” oaks again. The four oaks have always been a trademark of downtown Mocksville, especially at Christmastime. I have friends from Charlotte, South Carolina and other areas that come to our town each year to see our town decorated at Christmas. My thanks to Wanda James for sharing the photos.
Sheffield-Calahaln VFD’s Chief Matthew Mills welcomes everyone interested in becoming a firefighter and serving the community to come by the department or call 336-492-5791.
Hotdog Saturday at New Union brought a lot of folks out on a hot day for some great fellowship and food. We thank everyone for supporting our fundraiser each month. Hope to see you in July with cooler temperatures.
Everyone is invited to New Union Church for Vacation Bible School July 28-31 from 6-8 each night. Kid’s 0-12th grade are welcome to join “Game Day Central” with fun interactive Bible lessons, exciting songs, and games. Supper will be provided.
New Union welcomes everyone to Sunday School at 9 a.m. and worship service at 10 each week. Pastor Tim Lowery invites you to these services.
Ijames Baptist’s worship service is each week at 10:30 a.m. The Children’s Choir for ages 2-12 meets Sundays from 4:30-5 p.m. Pastor Kestler Ruth invites you to join them each week.
Vacation Bible School “Breaker Rock Beach” is July 7-12 from 6-8:30 p.m. for children 3 years to rising 8th grade at Ijames Baptist Church. July 12 is family fun night where the children will perform and then have a pizza party, snow cones, bounce houses – a fun night for everyone. Ijames is at Ijames Church and Sheffield roads.
Worship service at Community Covenant Church is held each Sunday at 10:45 a.m. and Junior church class for children is also at 10:45, Evangelistic service Sundays at 6 p.m. and prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednesdays at 7. The God’s Bible School Ladies trio named Inspiration will share their ministry on July 7 at 6 p.m.
Vacation Bible School at Community Covenant will be July 22-26.
A time of prayer is held at Liberty Wesleyan each Sunday at 9:30 a.m., followed by Sunday School at 10 and Worship at 11. Choir practice is held each Wednesday at 7.
Center Methodist is holding Bible study each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. The Book of Philippians study is led by Pastor Jesse Teal. The church is at 1857 US 64 W.
Jam sessions are held each week on Mondays at Eddie’s Place in Cool Springs from 6-9:30 p.m.
Local live music is featured each Friday evening from 6-8 at MawMaw’s Restaurant on US 601 S., Mocksville.
Prayer requests continue for Bryan Swain, Hazel Smoot, Tim Keller, Junior Dunn, Betty Dameron, Tammy Keller, Charles England, Lincoln Dyson, Chester Reeves, Yvonne Ijames, Bonnie Gunter, Ed Livengood, Milton Tutterow, Geraldine Lambert, Betty Beck, Sue Gobble, Helen Bulla, Paul Beck, Juanita Keaton, Emily Brown, Marsha Gobble, Brian Jacobs, Mary Teague, Eddie Porter, Janie Williams, Maria Knight, Violet Coursey, Clyde Jordan, Jack Seaford, Fred Beck, Tom Cornatzer and Terry Dyson. Our sincere condolences to the Diane Stanley family.
Please submit all news to me at, message me on Facebook or call me at 336-837-8122 no later than Friday.
The oak trees on the square in about 1939 are about the same size as the newer trees are today.