Letter to the Editor: Make letter carrier food drive the best yet

Published 10:08 am Tuesday, April 23, 2024

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To the editor:

The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) has been doing a food drive for over 20 years. This is an annual event that the US Postal Service does, always the first Saturday in May. The donations from the public are gathered and then distributed locally in the community. When I was talking to people about this last year, there were not a lot of people who had even heard of this. This was surprising as well as disappointing.

This year in Mocksville I hope will be a little different. I would like to encourage each and every one of you to remember those who are struggling to put food on the table, gas in the car or a roof over their head. It may shock you, but you never know who is feeling the wretched effects of this high inflation. It may be the very last person or family that you would ever suspect of having financial issues.

At the DC Flea Market (144 Chance Ln), there will be a donation box set up every day it is open to accept donations for the food drive. Please, if you feel called to donate, do so. You can also leave donations in a bag by your mailbox on May 4. Your mail carrier will be thrilled to pick it up.

Let’s help Mocksville make a huge impact on our surrounding communities. Let’s put Mocksville on the map as being a very caring place to live. Let’s set some records. All non-perishable food items are accepted. We have a great community. Now get out there and be great, Mocksville.

Kris. Zdunczyk
