County Line: Churches plan sunrise services
Published 1:33 pm Tuesday, March 26, 2024
- Face painting was just one of the activities at the Calvary Baptist Easter celebration on Saturday.
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By Shirley Thorne
County Line Correspondent
Easter is this weekend – a special and sacred time of remembrance and celebration in County Line. Christians in our community and world-wide remember the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross at Calvary and celebrate His resurrection on the third day as proved by those who saw and talked with Him before He ascended to Heaven. Our local churches will be celebrating His resurrection with special Sunday services:
• Calvary Baptist, coffee and donuts 9:30 a.m., Sunday school 10 a.m., Easter worship 11 a.m.
• Clarksbury Methodist, Sunrise service 7 a.m., breakfast 7:30, Sunday school 9 and Easter worship 10.
• Piney Grove AME Zion, Sunrise service 6:30 a.m. followed by breakfast, Easter worship at 10.
• Salem Methodist, Sunrise service 7 a.m. followed by breakfast, Easter worship 9:30, Sunday school 10:45.
• Society Baptist, Sunrise service 8 a.m., breakfast 8:20, Sunday school 9, Easter worship 10 a.m. (No evening service).
As churches are preparing cemeteries for mowing season and Easter sunrise services, remember to remove weather-worn flowers and decor from the graves of loved ones.
Upcoming community events: country ham and sausage breakfast sponsored by the V-Point Ruritans from 7-10 a.m. Saturday, April 6; and the annual Cool Spring School Alumni Association dinner meeting Saturday, April 20, at the school gym.
As photos show, County Liners are enjoying Easter fellowship gatherings. Our school kids are enjoying Easter egg hunts and are looking forward to spring break.
Our community sends get-well wishes to Margie Turner Beck, who broke her femur bone and has been at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Chris Anderson has improved and is in rehab. Terry Wayne Dyson is beginning another round of treatments. Baby Timber Smith has improved and is resting at home. Caroline Jones continues to improve and was approved for driving again last week.
Caleb Williams has improved in that the side effects such as swelling, pain, nausea, etc. has decreased. This week Caleb’s parents will take him to Duke University Medical Center for a vascular CT to make sure the liver can be respected. Please pray the CT will show that the cancer-affected area can be removed. Also, pray for safe travels for Caleb and his parents.
Join us in prayer for the Lord’s comfort and blessings upon Margie, Chris, Terry Wayne, Timber, Caroline, and Caleb and their families. Remember in prayer the hundreds of folks in Russia hat were affected by the terrorist attack last week.
Here’s wishing everyone a blessed Easter.