County Line: V-Point Ruritan breakfast Saturday
Published 10:41 am Tuesday, February 27, 2024
- The V-Point Ruritans invite everyone to join them for a country ham and sausage breakfast from 7-10 a.m. Saturday, March 2 at the V-Point Building located on Old Mocksville Road about .3 mile from NC 901. The menu includes country ham and sausage, gravy, scrambled eggs, grits, cooked apples, biscuits, and drink. Ham and sausage biscuits will be available, eat in or take out. As shown, folks of all ages enjoy breakfast and fellowship with others. Donations will be accepted; proceeds benefit the club's community projects.
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
By Shirley Thorne
County Line Correspondent
March arrives Friday and that means Daylight Saving Time, Spring, and Easter are just around the corner. Our community has a lot of fun events and good eating in March.
The Baptist Men of Society will meet at 7 a.m. Saturday. The men invite others in the community for breakfast and prayer. They will discuss upcoming community projects and needs.
The Women on Mission of Society Baptist will meet at 9 a.m. Saturday. The program will feature mission work and needs in North American with emphasis on the Annie Armstrong Mission Offering supporting such work. The women invite others in the community to join them.
The middle and high school youth of Society Baptist will have a movie night fellowship with pizza, popcorn, and drinks at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, March 3. They invite other middle and high school youth in the community.
Upcoming community events: kids’ Easter celebration from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Saturday, March 16 at Society Baptist; “Men’s and Women’s Day” at 11 a.m. Sunday, March 17, followed by covered dish dinner at Piney Grove AME Zion.
Our community extends sympathy to the family of John Marshall Koontz, who died at home Thursday of last week. The fourth of eight children, he was born in 1937 in Davie County to the late Marshall and Laura Campbell Koontz. He was reared on Davie Academy Road, attended Salem Methodist Church with his family, and helped his family with a farming business.
In 1956 John graduated from Cool Spring High School; where he played baseball and basketball, drove a bus, and was active in Future Farmers of America. A member of the National Guard, he became a professional truck driver and was retired from Roadway Express after 40 years.
In 1957 John married fellow County Liner Peggy Stroud at Society Baptist. She joined John in worship at Salem Methodist. The couple settled in Mocksville off US 158 and reared daughter Melanie. The family later became active members of First Methodist Church of Mocksville.
A graveside service celebrating his life was held Sunday afternoon at Salem Methodist Church Cemetery. He was laid to rest beside his beloved Peggy, who died February 2009.
We send get-well wishes to Hazel Dyson Smoot, who broke three bones in her arm. Timber Smith remains hospitalized but has improved and is no longer in intensive care. Terry Wayne Dyson continues his medical treatment for amyloidosis. Caleb Williams continues with targeted radiation, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy treatments.
Join us in prayer for the Lord’s divine healing and blessings upon Hazel, Timber, Terry Wayne, Caleb and others who are having health problems. Pray for the Lord’s continued guidance in the treatments of Timber, Terry Wayne, and Caleb and blessings upon their families as they face their respective medical journeys. Pray for the Lord’s comfort and blessings upon the family of John as they miss him. Continue to pray for those affected by the flu, covid, and respiratory virus.
Call or text Shirley on 336-492-5115 or email