Letter to the editor: Schools say no to colorful rock; when did rainbows become offensive?

Published 11:30 am Sunday, September 24, 2023

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To the editor:

Recently, I read about the newly implemented “House System” for our middle schools in the Davie Enterprise. I believed this to be a wonderful and innovative idea for our students and for our schools. Our school system has always been a strength here, and something our residents can be proud of.

Shortly after reading the article, I noticed the colorful and beautifully painted rock in front of Ellis Middle School representing this House System. I was so impressed with the artwork and detail it took to create it that I stopped to take pictures to share on social media of how much I loved it. Passing by it on my way to and from work created joy for me and I’m sure, created excitement for the students and those entering the campus.

Sadly, I learned that an individual has complained about it and Mr. Jeff Wallace (superintendent) has made the decision to paint over it, so my question is this: When did a complaint from a few begin to override the wishes of the majority? When did a rainbow, of all things, become so offensive?

Rainbows mean many things to many people.

To me, it represents happiness, renewal, love, and God‘s promise to us (Genesis 9:13). If someone finds this offensive, that is their problem and their issue.

Please do not make something as simple as a rainbow an issue in this county. And please do not cave to the whims of a few complaints. Our county is stronger than that and our children deserve better than that.

Misty Hall,    Advance