Sheffield-Calahaln: ‘The Game’ VBS a hit at Ijames Baptist

Published 1:26 pm Tuesday, July 25, 2023

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By Brenda Bailey



Birthday wishes to: Tyson Wilson and Jeffrey Spry on July 28; Brenda Beck on July 30; and Noah Drye and Chris Wilson on Aug. 3. Happy anniversary to the following couples: Edward and Amber Thutt on July 29; Richard and Pam Willliams on July 31; and Larry and Doris Dyson on Aug. 2.

Last week I wished Danny Casstevens a happy birthday. Eva had a birthday on July 23. She is also a special friend and great musician, and has been an asset to the US Postal Service for many years. Eva, we all wish you a Happy Birthday and many more.

In last week’s column there was a photo of a young child – Jason Brown on his first birthday. Jason is my grandson and turned 24 on July 17. Happy Birthday to a wonderful young man that has been through a lot in his young life. Love him with all my heart.

Ijames Baptist completed a week of Vacation Bible School, Twists and Turns (a game theme), and the motto was “Following Jesus Changes The Game”.

VBS was July 16-20. Every night children began with a Worship Rally led by the pastor. The children recited pledges to the U.S. flag, Christian flag, and the Holy Bible. Pastor Kestler Ruth shared encouraging words before rotations.

Each night consisted of snacks, games, crafts, music, and lessons. Children collected non-perishable food for the Ijames Blessing Box. More than 800 items were donated. Because it was so successful, Pastor Ruth agreed to allow the winning group to “silly-string” him.

On July 21, family night included the commencement. The children showed off talent with singing and performing what they had learned. There was  pizza, refreshments, and bounce houses. More than 60 children came each night, and it took many dedicated church members volunteering. Decorations were remarkable and all themed with games in mind – a wonderful, kid friendly and inviting environment was thrilling. There was a traffic control group that made sure things flowed well and children stayed safe. Ijames is thankful for all the parents who brought their children to VBS. If you are looking for a home church, Ijames members invite you. Sunday morning worship begins at 10:30.

New Union’s Hotdog Saturday was again a success.  The next event will be Saturday, Aug. 26. Vacation Bible School will be July 30-Aug. 2 from 6-8 nightly for ages preschool-5th grade. The theme is “Hero Hotline”, which through stories in the old and new testaments, kids’ eyes are opened to countless ways that God provides.  A meal will be provided each night.

Liberty Wesleyan will host a Praise Worship Service  Sunday, July 30, at 11 a.m.  Vacation Bible School is Aug. 19 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., “Let The Little Children Come Unto Me”.

Paulette Loftin and Jim Carlton were married July 22. These two are great supporters of the Meatlocker and Farmington Community Center jams. They got engaged at a Farmington jam a few months ago.  We wish them many years of happiness.

Prayer requests continue for Bryan Swain, Jean Reavis, Hazel Smoot, Tim Keller, Junior Dunn, Betty Dameron, Tammy Keller, Charles England, Lincoln Dyson, Chester Reeves, Yvonne Ijames, Bonnie Gunter, Ed Livengood,  Milton Tutterow, Nancy Peacock, Geraldine Lambert, Betty Beck, Sue Gobble, Bob Ellis, Helen Bulla, Paul Beck, Juanita Keaton, Betty Godbey, Emily Brown, Marsha Tutterow, Mary Teague, Eddie Porter, Janie Williams, Larry Richie, Maria Knight, Violet Coursey, Clyde Jordan, Jack Seaford and Suzonne Stratton.  Our sincere condolences to the family of Joyce Louise Bowles, the Edith Beck family, the Kathy Mason family, and the Willliam “Bill East” Koontz family.

Submit items to, message me on Facebook or call 336-837-8122.