County Line: Gideons speaker at Society Baptist this Sunday
Published 11:35 am Tuesday, November 22, 2022
- V-Point Ruritans enjoy a get together.
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By Shirley Thorne
County Line Correspondent
It’s Thanksgiving week – a busy time. Some groups such as the V-Point Ruritans are having Thanksgiving dinners. Some folks will be shopping the stores for “Black Friday” sales. Many folks are planning family dinners and gatherings. The Society Baptist folks ensured that many families of need will have a big Thanksgiving dinner.
Our country, state, and community have been very blessed and have much for which to be thankful. Here’s wishing everyone safe and happy Thanksgiving holidays.
Society Baptist Church will have a special speaker from Gideon International at the 11 a.m. worship service Sunday, Nov. 27. A love offering will be taken. There will be no Sunday evening service.
The quilt ministry of Society will meet at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 30. The group invites others.
Upcoming community events: Christmas caroling and fellowship hosted by Calvary Baptist at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11 at Rosewood Assisted Living of Harmony; and Christmas cantata at 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 18 at Calvary Baptist.
Our community extends sympathy to the family of Jessie Lee Cuthrell, who died peacefully at Mercy Hospital of Charlotte Nov. 1. He was born in 1951 in Iredell County to the late Dallas A. and Mamie Lou Stimson Cuthrell. He attended Piney Grove AME Zion Church with his family and attended Iredell schools, where he played basketball and baseball.
Retired from Dixie Furniture/Lexington Home Brands, Jessie was musically talented and enjoyed playing keyboard and teaching his grandchildren how to play. He was organist at New Creation Church of Statesville and loved worshipping the Lord via music.
A service celebrating his life was held the afternoon of Saturday, Nov. 12, at Piney Grove AME Zion Church; he was laid to rest in the church cemetery, where other family members are buried.
Our community sends get-well wishes to William McDaniels, who had surgery at Wake Forest Baptist Brenner Children’s Hospital last Saturday. Betty Cartner remains at Forsyth Medical Center. Jimmy Cartner remains at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Margaret Ann Shew and Alice Waugh remain in rehab at Davie Nursing and Rehabilitation.
Join us in prayer for the Lord’s divine healing upon William, Betty, Jimmy, Margaret Ann, Alice, and other residents having health problems. Pray for the Lord’s comfort and blessings upon the family of Jessie as they miss him.
For news and memories to share, call or text Shirley on 336-492-5115 or email sdtlink@