County Line: Fish fry upcoming at Piney Grove
Published 8:57 am Thursday, March 24, 2022
- Area business and ministerial leaders, from left: Wesley Deszerne, Chris Leckie, Harmony Mayor Daniel Matney, the Rev. John Phifer, the Rev.Dr. Cliff Wall, and the Rev. Clyde Parks also enjoy breakfast and fellowship.
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By Shirley Thorne
County Line Correspondent
As photos show from the “Men’s and Women’s Day” breakfast fellowship at Piney Grove AME Zion Church, folks are enjoying the warmer days. Some local churches are planning Easter services and events.
Calvary Baptist continues to have only Sunday morning worship service until April.
Upcoming events: fish fry and barbecue sandwich and plate sale sponsored by Piney Grove at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 2 at the V-Point Building; Easter Fun Day for children ages 3-3rd grade from 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, April 9, hosted by Society Baptist; Easter sunrise service followed by breakfast and worship Sunday, April 17 at Pleasant View Baptist; and Easter sunrise service followed by Sunday school and worship Sunday, April 17 at Society Baptist.
Our community extends its deepest sympathy to the family of Glenn Wilson Koontz, who died early Wednesday morning of last week at Gordon Hospice House of Statesville after a hard-fought battle with cancer.
The oldest son and the third of eight children, he was born in 1935 in Davie County to the late Marshall W. and Laura Campbell Koontz of Davie Academy Road. He attended Salem United Methodist Church with family and helped his parents with their diverse farming business. He graduated from Cool Spring High School in 1953, where he was a bus driver and member of the Future Farmers of America, Glee, and Drama clubs. He served honorably in the US National Guard for eight years. In October 1953, he married the former Nancy Shaver; the couple settled on Davie Academy Road, reared children Scarlett and Wendell, and joined in worship at Salem. After Nancy’s death in October 1997, several years later Glenn married Nancy Ann Phelps; the couple made their home on Davie Academy Road and joined in worship at Main Street Church of Christ of Mocksville.
Retired from Celanese of Cleveland, he enjoyed spending time with family and enhancing the family place. A service celebrating his life was held Sunday afternoon at Salem Methodist; he was laid to rest in the church cemetery.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Walter Thomas “Doc” Koontz, who died at home Sunday, Feb. 27.
The second of three children, he was born in 1941 to the late Foley Thomas “Tom” and Nora McDaniel Koontz. He was reared on Ridge Road near Ketchie Creek, attended Salem United Methodist with his family, and attended Cool Spring High School.
In the late 1950s, the family moved to western Rowan County, and he graduated from West Rowan High School. He and his wife Charlene made their home in Rowan and reared daughter Deborah. Retired from Grinnell Fire Protection of Cleveland; he also loved farming and owned Doc Koontz Stables, which was nationally known for world champion Tennessee walking horses. A service celebrating his life was held Tuesday, March 3 at Cleveland First Baptist Church, where he was a member; burial followed in the Cleveland Town Cemetery.
Rayford “Tink” McDaniel continues to rest at home with palliative care. Carol Brazel remains in rehab at Accordius Rehabilitation Center of Winston-Salem. Betty Lou Richardson and Alice Waugh remain in rehab at Davie Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.
Join us in prayer for the Lord’s divine healing and blessings upon Tink, Carol, Betty Lou, Alice, and others who are having health problems. Pray for the Lord’s comfort and support upon the families of Glenn and Doc as they deeply miss their loved ones. Continue to pray for the Ukrainian refugees and the Ukrainians fighting to save their democratic free country. Continue to pray for those affected by Covid-19 and its variants.
For news and memories to share, please call Shirley on 336-492-5115 or email