County Line: Piney Grove honors oldest living mother
Published 9:47 am Thursday, March 17, 2022
- Pastor John Phifer and Carolyn Nichols congratulating Mrs. Eva Campbell.
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By Shirley Thorne
County Line Correspondent
The Baptist Men of Society postponed building a ramp for someone in Troutman last Saturday due to inclement weather. Weather permitting, they plan to meet at 8 a.m. Saturday, March 19 at the church to go to build the ramp. They invite others.
The quilt ministry of Society Baptist will meet from 9 a.m.-noon Wednesday, March 23. The women invite others.
Calvary Baptist continues to have only Sunday morning worship until April.
Upcoming community events: fish fry and barbecue (sandwiches and plates) sponsored by Piney Grove AME Zion Church beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 2 at the V-Point Building; Easter sunrise service followed by Sunday school and worship Sunday, April 17 at Society Baptist.
Members of Piney Grove showed their love and respect for their oldest mother and longtime faithful member Eva Campbell as she celebrated her 97th birthday last Friday. Pastor John Phifer and some members presented her with a bouquet of flowers on Friday; after worship last Sunday, church members walked to her home and showered her with bunches of happy birthday balloons.
Our community sends happy birthday wishes to Agnes Wooten, who will celebrate her 94th this Saturday. A longtime member of Clarksbury United Methodist Church and former “Avon Calling Lady” in the community, today she enjoys the loving care of her family as she continues to enjoy the comfort of her home on County Line Road. Mrs. Agnes, all of us in County Line wish you a great birthday Saturday and a healthy and happy new year of life.
We send get-well wishes to the Rev. Brandon Gwaltney, Glenn Koontz, and Oscar Koontz. The Rev. Gwaltney, pastor of Pleasant View Baptist, has begun treatment for death of hip bone tissue caused by required longtime need of pulmonary medication. Glenn was hospitalized at Forsyth Medical Center last week and has been transferred to Gordon Hospice House of Statesville, where he is resting comfortably. Oscar was hospitalized with pneumonia last Friday at Forsyth Center and is now recuperating at home. Rayford “Tink” McDaniel continues to rest at home with palliative care. Carol Brazel has improved and is in rehab at Accordius Rehabilitation Center of Winston-Salem. Betty Lou Richardson and Alice Waugh remain in rehab at Davie Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.
Join us in prayer for the Lord’s divine healing and blessings upon the Reverend Gwaltney, Glenn, Oscar, Tink, Carol, Betty Lou, Alice, and others who are having health problems. Remember in prayer the family of Julia Johnson Jurney, who died last Saturday at Iredell Memorial Hospital; she was a daughter of C.O. “Jap” Johnson and the late Betty Horton Johnson and step-daughter of Carol H. Johnson.
Continue to pray for the Ukrainian refugees and the Ukrainians fighting to save their country. Continue to pray for those affected by COVID-19.
For news and memories to share, please call Shirley on 336-492-5115 or email