Local events: Chilly Chili Bowl Saturday
Published 8:37 am Thursday, February 17, 2022
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Special Events
Saturday, Feb. 19
2nd Annual Chilly Chili Bowl disc golf tournament, Davie Disc Golf, Farmington Community Center. http://dgscene.com/chillychili2022.
Tech Tuesdays, Davie County Public Library, 371 N. Main St., Mocksville. Get assistance with tech devices, 10 a.m.-noon and 2-4 p.m. Register for appointment: http://bit.ly/DCPLTECHJAZ. Learn more by calling 336-753-6033 or emailing jbaylor@daviecountync.gov.
Smith Grove Farmers Market, Smith Grove Methodist, US 158, Mocksville, Saturdays, 1-4 p.m. www.smithgrove.org.
Tuesday, Feb. 22
Davie Planning Board, 3 p.m.. commissioners room, County Administration Bldg., 123 S. Main St., Mocksville. George Johnson III c/o Laura Mathis has applied to rezone an approximately 1.323 acre tract from Residential-12 (R-12), Residential 20 (R-20) and Quality Design Overlay (R-12, R-20, QD-O) to Neighborhood Business, Quality Design Overlay (N-B, QD-O). The property is at 1832 Farmington Road, Davie County Tax Parcel C500000107.
Tuesday, March 1
Mocksville Town Board, 6 p.m., town hall, Clement St.
Monday, March 7
Davie County Commissioners, 6 p.m., second floor, county administration building, 123 S. Main St., Mocksville.
Sheffield-Calahaln Vol. Fire Dept., Monday nights at 7.
NAMI family support group for confidential support for families with persons with diagnosed mental illness. Via Zoom second and fourth Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m. missjulieysl@gmail.com.
All of the following events are sponsored by Davie Senior Services. For more information or to register, call 336-753-6230. The main campus at 278 Meroney St. is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. The health and fitness center at the Brock Recreation Center at 644 N. Main St. is open from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Fridays.
Afternoon card games, new program, 1 p.m. First Monday, Uno; second, Skipbo; third, Rook; fourth, Rummy; fifth, Crazy Eights.
Email basics, 10-11 a.m. With Davie Public Library.
February, March
Tax Aide, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. by appointment for help filing taxes.
Fridays, Feb. 4-25
Knitting Classes, 9-11 a.m. with Danny Cartner. No charge. Participants will need two skeins (4 oz.) of worested weight yarn of different colors; US sixe 8 knitting needles, blunt tapestry needle or yarn needle, and scissors.
Thursday, Feb. 17
Senior Book Club, 2 p.m, with Genny Hinkle at Davie Public Library.
Friday, Feb. 18
Intermediate Pickleball Clinic, 3 p.m., Brock Gym, instructor Don Hankins, USA Pickleball Assoc. ambassador.
Monday, Feb. 21
Monthly movie, 1 p.m., with popcorn.
Tuesday, Feb. 22
Coffee & Caregiving, 10 a.m. Interact with other caregivers.
Black History Month Celebration, 2 p.m., “Our Journeys, Our Songs Part 2.”
Thursday, Feb. 24
Good Health Club with Stacey Southern, learn healthy eating tips, share recipes, light exercises.
Monday, Feb. 28
Heart Health Seminar, 10 a.m. with Allegra Tucker from health dept. Learn tips to keep heart healthy.
Brock Senior Steppers, starts Jan. 3 at Brock Gym, open 8-10 each morning and other times with no programs. Register and count steps for monthly and yearly prizes.
Line dancing via Zoom, Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. with Vickie Spivey. 55 and older.
Yoga class via Zoom, Mondays, 11 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. with Kim Crawford. 55 and older.
Coffee & Caregiving, Tuesdays 10 a.m. via Zoom. Interact with other caregivers, ask staff member Kelly Sloan questions. Open to caregivers of all ages.
Live Music
Thursday, Feb. 17
James Vincent Carroll, 6 p.m.,m 601 Burgers & Brews, US 601 N., Mocksville.
Friday, Feb. 18
Adam and Avery, 6 p.m., The Station, Downtown Mocksville.
Saturday, Feb. 19
SoundKraft, 6-9 p.m., Tanglewood Pizza, US 158, Bermuda Run.
Thursday, Feb. 24
Josh Tenery, 6 p.m., 601 Burgers & Brews, US 601 N., Mocksville.
Friday, Feb. 25
Dalton Allen, 6 p.m., The Station, Downtown Mocksville.
Saturday, Feb. 26
The Grand Ole Uproar, 6-9 p.m., Tanglewood Pizza, US 158, Bermuda Run.
Thursday, March 3
– 6 p.m., 601 Burgers & Brews, US 601 N., Mocksville.
Friday, March 11
Incognito, 6 p.m., The Station, Downtown Mocksville.
Saturday, March 12
James Vincent Carroll, 6-9 p.m., Tanglewood Pizza, US 158, Bermuda Run.
Thursday, March 17
Down the Mountain, 6 p.m., for St. Patrick’s Day at The Station, Downtown Mocksville.
Friday, March 18
Logan Timmons Music, 6 p.m. The Station, Downtown Mocksville.