Local events
Published 9:36 am Thursday, January 13, 2022
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Special Events
Monday, Jan. 17
Davie NAACP MLK Celebration. Parade of cars lineup at 12:30 p.m. at Shilog Baptist at 12:30 p.m., for 1 p.m. tour through Mocksville. Virtual program at 2, Zoom ID 850 5561 9706 Passcode 955985.
Tuesday, Jan. 18
County commissioner budget work session, 8 a.m., Davie County Public Library.
Wednesday, Jan. 19
Bermuda Run Planning Board, 3 p.m., 120 Kinderton Blvd., Suite 100. Rezoning request, design waiver request.
Monday, Jan. 24
Public meeting on water supply improvement project, 6 p.m., Cooleemee Elementary.
Tuesday, Jan. 25
Davie County Planning Board, 3 p.m., County Administration Bldg., on the square, Downtown Mocksville.
Tuesday, Feb. 1
Davie Board of Education, 6 p.m., board meeting room, Central Davie Education Center, MLK Road, Mocksville.
Monday, Feb. 7
Davie County Commissioners, 6 p.m., second floor meeting room, County Administration Bldg., on the square, Downtown Mocksville.
All of the following events are sponsored by Davie Senior Services. For more information or to register, call 336-753-6230. The main campus at 278 Meroney St. is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. The health and fitness center at the Brock Recreation Center at 644 N. Main St. is open from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Fridays.
Afternoon card games, new program, 1 p.m. First Monday, Uno; second, Skipbo; third, Rook; fourth, Rummy; fifth, Crazy Eights.
Email basics, 10-11 a.m. With Davie Public Library.
Jan. 5-26
Cornhole League, 1 p.m., Brock Gym. Players will be assigned partners first week.
Friday, Jan. 14
Bingo, 1 p.m., sponsored by Patrick Tucker and Humana.
Tuesday, Jan. 18
Tech Tuesday Talk, 10 a.m., with Carrie Miller and Jazmyne Baylor. Have technology questions answered.
Wednesday, Jan. 19
Caregiver Academy: Mindfulness in Caregiving, Wake Forest Baptist Davie Medical or via Zoom, 1 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 20
Conversation wtih Elected Officials, 9:45 a.m. County commissioners and town officials.
Senior Book Club, 12:30-2 p.m., with Ginny Hinkle at Davie County Public Library. Book titles available a month in advance and available at library.
Monday, Jan. 24
Vision Screenings, 10 a.m. Representative from Kintegra to conduct.
Tuesday, Jan. 25
Coffee & Caregiving, 10 a.m., a time to share with other caregivers. All ages.
Veterans Social, 1 p.m., with Amanda Cox of CaptionCall talking about free telephone equipment available for those with hearing loss. Veterans only.
Jan. 26-March 23
A Matter of Balance with Kelly Stellato, noon-2 p.m. Learn strategies to mitigate falls.
Thursday, Jan. 27
Good Health Club, 1 p.m. with Stacey Southern. Learn healthy eating tips.
Friday, Jan. 28
Senior Games Kickoff, 10 a.m., Brock Health & Fitness Center Gym. Learn about senior games and Silver Arts.
Tuesday, Feb. 1
Blood pressure screenings, 10 a.m.
Brock Senior Steppers, starts Jan. 3 at Brock Gym, open 8-10 each morning and other times with no programs. Register and count steps for monthly and yearly prizes.
Line dancing via Zoom, Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. with Vickie Spivey. 55 and older.
Live Music
Thursday, Jan. 13
Michael Chaney, 6 p.m.. 601 Burgers & Brews, US 601 N., Mocksville.
Friday, Jan. 14
Marte Maney, 6 p.m., The Station, Downtown Mocksville.
Wednesday, Jan. 19
James Vincent Carroll, 6 p.m., 601 Burgers & Brews, US 601 N., Mocksville.
Thursday, Jan. 27
Darrell Hoots, 6 p.m., 601 Burgers & Brews, US 601 N., Mocksville.
Friday, Jan. 28
Russell Henderson, 6 p.m., The Station, Downtown Mocksville.
Thursday, Feb. 3
SoundKraft, 6 p.m., 601 Burgers & Brews, US 601 N., Mocksville.