Davie District Court
Published 9:17 am Thursday, July 8, 2021
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The following cases were disposed of during the May 27 session of Davie District Court. Presiding: Judge Charles Neaves, Jr. Prosecuting: Eric Farr and Pearce Dougan, assistant DAs.
-W. Robinson-Canter, violation of court order, probation terminated successfully, $140 attorney fee.
– Amber Smith Cleary, second degree trespass, dismissed per plea in superior court.
– Ronald Joe Crotts, taking undersized white bass, $50, cost, $50 fish replacement fee.
– Serrena J. Davidson, reckless driving, reduced to unsafe movement, $30, cost; failure to secure passenger under age 16, dismissed per plea.
– Garnet Alan Doby, livestock found running at large, prayer for judgment continued.
– Michael H. Durgerian, domestic violence protective order violation, dismissed, prosecuting witness failed to appear.
– Jacob Anders Ewoldt, speeding 93 in a 70, prayer for judgment continued.
– Quadarrius Ford, show cause, cash bond to be used as payment; assault on a female, misdemeanor child abuse, dismissed per plea; domestic violence protective order violation, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 12 months, not assault/threaten/harass victim, cost, $315 attorney fee.
– Gail Avant Godwin, second degree trespass, not guilty.
– Brittani Devon Grubb, possession of heroin, possession of marijuana up to one-half ounce, possession of marijuana paraphernalia, dismissed per plea; possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced to 90 days, suspended 12 months, submit to warrantless searches and seizures, do not possess any controlled substances, submit to random drug tests, obtain substance abuse treatment, $200, cost, $315 attorney fee.
– Bobby Warren Hughes, speeding in work zone more than 80 mph or more than 15 mph over speed limit, reduced to 64 in a 55, $250, cost.
– Chandra N. Johnson, fishing without a license, dismissed, corrected.
– Keion Shamar Joyce, using boat access area for other use, prayer for judgment continued.
– Kirkland James King, speeding 96 in a 70, dismissed per plea; reckless driving, $500, cost.
– Robert Alan Long, misdemeanor child abuse, sentenced to 20 days to run concurrently with sentence now serving, 16 days credit.
– Hunter Lee Lovell, fishing without a license, dismissed, corrected.
– Michael D. Lovell, fishing without a license, dismissed, corrected.
– Jamie T. McAndrews, assault by pointing a gun, simple assault, dismissed, prosecuting witness failed to appear.
– James Dashawn McNiel, speeding 91 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $200, cost; driving while license revoked not DWI revocation, dismissed per plea.
– Paul Anthony Pifer, 2 counts public nuisance – animal, dismissed, prosecuting witness failed to appear.
– Jessy Keith Purkey, simple assault, second degree trespass, dismissed, prosecuting witness failed to appear.
– Tyrell O. Reddick, speeding 100 in a 70, dismissed per plea; reckless driving, $800, cost.
– Eric Rodriguez, possession of marijuana up to one-half ounce, possession of marijuana paraphernalia, fishing without a license, dismissed per plea; using boat access area for other purpose, $50, cost.
– Bobby Wayne Roseman Jr., resisting public officer, sentenced to 10 days, credit for three days.
– Christina Shrewsbury, reckless driving, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost; speeding 75 in a 55, expired registration card/tag, dismissed per plea.
– Tyler Jerdis Smith, misdemeanor death by vehicle, sentenced to 75 days, suspended 24 months, 7 days active, submit to warrantless searches and seizures for drugs, not operate vehicle until licensed, $500, cost, $600 lab fee; failure to reduce speed, dismissed per plea.
– Hannah Elisabeth Speer, speeding 92 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $200, cost; reckless driving, dismissed per plea.
– David Eli Williams, speeding 98 in a 70, dismissed per plea; reckless driving, $700, cost.
– Jennifer Marie Wilson, fishing without a license, dismissed, corrected.
Failure to Appear
– Jelon Rakieth Lennon, failure to wear seat belt, delivery/acceptance of blank/open title, driving while license revoked not DWI revocation, failure to apply for new title, give/lend/borrow license plate, canceled/revoked/suspended certificate/tag, failure to maintain lane control, operating vehicle with no insurance.
– Robert Douglas Stanley, driving while license revoked DWI revocation, hit/run leaving scene after causing property damage, failure to maintain lane control.
June 3
The following cases were disposed of during the June 3 session of Davie District Court. Presiding: Judge Mary F. Covington. Prosecuting: Pearce Dougan and Eric Farr, assistant DAs.
– Robert Justin Allen, driving while license revoked DWI revocation, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 12 months, not operate vehicle until licensed, $200, cost, $350 attorney fee.
– Brittany R. Bradshaw, driving while license revoked not DWI revocation, reduced to failure to notify DMV of address change $25, cost; failure to reduce speed, dismissed.
– Taylor Shay Brinkley, unauthorized use of vehicle, dismissed.
– Christopher R. Burch, driving while license revoked DWI revocation, felony possession of a schedule II controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, no license, reckless driving, driving/allowing vehicle to be driven with registration plate not displayed, dismissed; DWI, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 24 months, 24 hours community service, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, $100, cost, $235 attorney fee.
– Frank L. Butler, DWI, sentenced to 12 months, suspended 24 months, seven days active, obtain substance abuse assessment, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, $400, cost, $405 attorney fee; driving while license revoked DWI revocation, reckless driving-wanton disregard, open container after consuming alcohol, dismissed.
– Daniel Dwayne Casey, speeding 90 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost.
– Jenry Paz Cisneros, possession of toxic vapors substance, possession of marijuana paraphernalia, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 12 months, finish high school and obtain diploma or GED, $100, cost; misdemeanor probation violation, defendant failed to complete deferred prosecution conditions, judgment entered.
– Linda Keaton Cope, speeding 94 in a 70, dismissed; reckless driving, sentenced to 30 days, suspended 12 months, $100, cost, $295 attorney fee.
– Zachary Taylor Cranfill, failure to yield left turn, dismissed.
– Parker David Devine, speeding 97 in a 70, reduced to careless and reckless driving, $700, cost.
– Torie Valerie Dixon, simple affray, dismissed.
– Moaath Saadeldin Eid, speeding 93 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $300, cost; reckless driving to endanger, dismissed.
– Cassandra S. Gamble, possession of stolen vehicle, dismissed.
– Michael Wayne Hester, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving while license revoked not DWI revocation, dismissed; DWI, sentenced to 6 months, suspended 24 months, 72 hours community service, obtain substance abuse assessment, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, $300, cost, $140 attorney fee; misdemeanor probation violation, probation revoked.
– Maranda Maxine Jones, misdemeanor probation violation, probation terminated unsuccessfully, $295 attorney fee.
– Leroy Alanzo Korunes, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 24 months, 24 hours community service, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, $100, cost; possession of open container/consuming alcohol in passenger area, dismissed.
– Brady Franklin Link, misdemeanor larceny, dismissed.
– Dennis Moss Maldonado, speeding 79 in a 55, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance, dismissed; driving after consuming under age 21, sentenced to 30 days, suspended 12 months, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, $100, cost.
– Angela G. Mayfield, speeding 101 in a 70, dismissed; reckless driving, $1,000, cost.
– Matthew Lagunes-Mendez, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost.
– D. Josue Cruz Mendoza, speeding 90 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost.
– James D. Montgomery, second degree trespass, sentenced to time served, $185 attorney fee; simple assault, dismissed.
– Jesus G. Santos Ortiz, speeding 102 in a 70, dismissed; driving while license revoked not DWI revocation, reduced to no license, reckless driving, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 12 months, $1,000, cost, $625 attorney fee.
– Allison Nicole Pace, unlawfully passing emergency/public service vehicle, prayer for judgment continued, cost.
– Niyarna L. Sherrill, simple affray, dismissed.
– Heather Anne Smith, assault on a government official/employee, dismissed, resisting public officer, sentenced to time served, $130 attorney fee.
– Nicholas Whisenhunt, communicating threats, possession of methamphetamine, dismissed per plea; possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of stolen goods/property, sentenced to 120 days, suspended 24 months, 24 hours community service, do not have any new convictions, $200, cost, $255 attorney fee; felony breaking and/or entering, reduced to misdemeanor breaking and entering felony larceny after breaking/entering, reduced to misdemeanor larceny, sentenced to 120 days at expiration of previous sentence, suspended 24 months, have no contact with victims, $270 restitution to victims, $200, cost.
– Stephan David Wolf, driving while license revoked DWI revocation, reduced to failure to notify DMV of address change, $50, cost; driving while license revoked DWI revocation, dismissed.
– Brittany M. Williams, 2 counts probation violation, probation revoked.
Failure to Appear
– Robert Brandon Aud, DWI, driving while license revoked DWI revocation, possession of drug paraphernalia, simple possession of a schedule II controlled substance, simple possession of a schedule IV controlled substance, expired registration, failure to reduce speed, no liability insurance.
– Michael Wayne Boswell, DWI.
– Xavier Dante Dula, speeding 101 in a 70, reckless driving, no license.
– Justin Blane Evans, felony breaking and/or entering, misdemeanor larceny, breaking or entering a vehicle.
– Bethani Ann Gallagher, 2 counts misdemeanor larceny.
-Zihir Amari Glenn, communicating threats, hit/run leaving scene of property damage.
-Jarodd McDonald, speeding 104 in a 70, reckless driving.
– Jose A. Chimal Mora, driving while license revoked not DWI revocation.
– Katherine D. Mossman, misdemeanor larceny.
– Latisha Nicole aka Nacole Young, possession of heroin, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of stolen goods/property.
June 10
The following cases were disposed of during the June 10 session of Davie District Court. Presiding: Judge Carlos Jane’. Prosecuting: Eric Farr and Pearce Dougan, assistant DAs.
– Jerry Lynn Cardwell, driving while license revoked DWI revocation, prayer for judgment continued, $165 attorney fee.
– Robert Glenn Carlton, 2 counts misdemeanor larceny, interfering with emergency communication, dismissed, prosecuting witness failed to appear.
– Cody Allen Cashatt, assault with a deadly weapon, assault by pointing a gun, dismissed, state’s motion to continue denied, prosecuting witness failed to appear.
– Jasmika Compton, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance, possession of marijuana paraphernalia, dismissed in the interest of justice.
– Timothy Brad Cummings, misdemeanor probation violation, probation terminated unsuccessfully, $157.50 attorney fee.
– Mary Dean, misdemeanor child abuse, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, 30 hours community service, remain gainfully employed, have no contact with Mud Pies, $295 attorney fee.
– Ruby Ann Dennard, DWI, sentenced to 30 days, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, $100, cost; failure to maintain lane control, possession of open container/consuming alcohol in passenger area, dismissed per plea.
– Brian Dwight Dillard, assault on a female, misdemeanor child abuse, sentenced to 75 days, suspended 24 months, abide by 50-Bs, receive abuser treatment, enroll in parenting and anger management classes, have no contact with victim; reckless driving, domestic violence protective order violation, three counts communicating threats, dismissed per plea.
– Denise Ann Engle, DWI, sentenced to 30 days, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service, obtain substance abuse assessment, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, $100, cost, $315 attorney fee; no license, failure to maintain lane control, driving after consuming under age 21, consuming alcohol age 19/20, dismissed per plea.
– Jessica Marie Flores, misdemeanor probation violation, probation terminated unsuccessfully, $295 attorney fee.
– Charles Robert Hall, probation violation, probation continued, electronic monitoring minimum of first three months, $140 attorney fee; speeding 93 in a 70, dismissed per plea; reckless driving, $300, cost.
– Andrew Davis Harris, assault on a female, dismissed, civil settlement.
– Giovanny C. Hernandez, 2 counts assault on a female, resisting public officer, assault inflicting physical injury on a detention employee, dismissed per plea; assault on a government official/employee, 12 months probation, remain on good behavior, write letter of apology to officer, take medicine as directed, $50, cost, case to be reviewed in one year.
– Laura Ann Iavaroni, assault and battery, dismissed at request of prosecuting witness.
– Danny Boyd Johnson, DWI, sentenced to 12 months, to run concurrently with sentence now serving, obtain substance abuse assessment, not operate vehicle until licensed, $75 attorney fee; driving while license revoked DWI revocation, center lane violation, hit/run leaving scene of property damage, dismissed per plea.
– Juliana Rose Lindner, DWI, sentenced to 18 months, suspended 18 months, 10 days active, continuous alcohol monitoring, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, $500, cost, $250 Interstate Compact Fee; misdemeanor child abuse, dismissed per plea.
– Kiana Nydasia Lytton, speeding 89 in a 70, reckless driving to endanger, dismissed per plea; speeding 91 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $100, cost.
– Corey Alexander Mock, contributing the delinquency of a juvenile, assault on a female, dismissed at request of prosecuting witness.
– Amber Mae Neely, failure to maintain lane control, driving/allowing vehicle to be driven with no registration, operating vehicle with no insurance, dismissed per plea; driving while license revoked not DWI revocation, reduced to failure to notify DMV of address change, $25, cost.
– Junior A. Cruz-Nunez, DWI, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service, obtain substance abuse assessment, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, $100, cost, $375 attorney fee; failure to maintain lane control, dismissed per plea.
– Katherine Dawn O’Brien, misdemeanor probation violation, dismissed, insufficient evidence.
– Alvin S. Richardson, possession with intent to sell/deliver marijuana, possession of marijuana paraphernalia, speeding 91 in a 70, dismissed per plea; possession of marijuana, sentenced to 15 days, suspended 12 months, $50, cost, $322.50 attorney fee.
– Katherine Ann Smith, assault with a deadly weapon, contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile, dismissed at request of prosecuting witness.
– Chloe Marie Sundman, speeding 97 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $500, cost; reckless driving to endanger, dismissed per plea.
– Crystal Deanna Tilley aka Crystal Tilley Harris, simple assault, dismissed at request of prosecuting witness.
– Naing Win, driving while license revoked DWI revocation, failure to maintain lane control, dismissed per plea; DWI, sentenced to 24 months, suspended 24 months, 30 days active/credit, surrender driver’s license, not operate motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, $500, cost.
Failure to Appear
– Anthony Laquan Brooks, misdemeanor larceny, felony possession of stolen goods.
– Clint Daniel Gilmore, failure to work after being paid.
– David Kibler, injury to personal property.
– Richard Z. Williams, driving while license revoked DWI revocation.