Sheffield-Calahaln: Ijames Baptist recognizes 2021 graduates

Published 9:03 am Thursday, May 27, 2021

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By Brenda Bailey



Congratulations to all 2021 graduates. If you have a student graduating this year, please let me know and I’ll put in this column.

Next Monday is Memorial Day, a time to remember and give thanks to the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for our great country. Thanks to these brave men and women who dedicated their lives to make our lives better. Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday weekend.

Birthday wishes to the following: Chris Jordan and Adalyn Ottone on May 28; Dawn Allen and Charlie Keaton on May 30; and Jackson Williams and Renee Vandall on June 1. Anniversary wishes go to the following couples celebrating this week: Eddie and Pam McDaniel on May 30; Wayne and Mary Ann Swisher on June 2; and Fred and Judy Beck on June 3. If you would like a birthday or anniversary listed, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sheffield-Calahaln VFD meetings are held each Monday night at the station at 7.  Come to the meetings or see any member of the department if interested in becoming a firefighter or want to know more about the department. Everyone is welcome.

I’m asking all churches in the area to please let me know in advance of  Vacation Bible School or other summer programs scheduled for the youth in our area.

A Bible study from the Old Testament “Epic of Eden” is continuing at Liberty Wesleyan Church each Sunday afternoon from 5-6:30. Women’s Bible Study “The Letter to the Romans” by Ben Witherington begins June 12 at 10 a.m. Each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., there is a youth program. Pastor Garrison invites you to worship with them each Sunday morning at 10.  Dry food donations will continue through May for Matthew 25. Liberty Wesleyan is at 2106 Sheffield Road, Harmony. Visitors are always welcome.

On May 16, Ijames Baptist honored the 2021 graduates at the worship service.

Tyler Snider graduated from Davie High School and plans to study mechanical engineering at Guilford Technical Community College in the fall. He was presented a McArthur Study Bible by Jamie White, his Sunday School teacher.

Abbey White earned an Associate Degree from Forsyth Technical Community College for Criminal Justice in Forensic Science and a Certificate in Criminal Justice Technology.  She will continue her education in the fall at Lees-McRae College. Katelyn Webb earned a degree in Applied Science for Dental Hygiene from Guilford Technical Community College, and now employed at University Dental Associates.  Both Abbey and Katelyn were presented the book “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren.

Chelsea Amelia Favre, who graduated from East Carolina University with a Bachelor of Arts and Science Degree majoring in Psychology and a minor in Leadership Studies was unable to attend on the 16th.  Also unable to attend was Megan Favre who will graduate from Stanley Community College in July with an Applied Science Degree in Early Childhood education.  Both Chelsea and Megan are to be presented the book “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren.

Ijames is very proud of each graduate and pray for their continued success.  Donations were made to the Baptist Children’s Home in honor of each graduate.   My thanks to Pam Branham for sharing this information and photo.

Sunday School will be held at 9 am each Sunday at Ijames Baptist Church and worship services are at 10 am in the sanctuary.  Those who prefer, may stay in their cars and listen to the service on 87.7 FM radio or view the service live on Facebook at the Ijames Church Friends page. The church is at Sheffield and Ijames Church roads.

New Union UMC’s will hold their contemporary worship service each Sunday morning at 9, and the traditional worship service at 11.  You can also view the 11 am service on the New Union UMC Facebook page. New Union is at Sheffield and County Line roads.

Youth and Kid’s Power Hour is back on Wednesday nights at New Union UMC.  The Kid’s Hour is 6:30-7:30 and Youth meet from 6-7:30. Join for a fun filled evening of learning more about Jesus.   

Prayer requests continue for Bryan Swain, Jean Reavis, Johnny Naylor, Dot Keller, Pat Moore, Deborah Nichols, Sylvia Ratledge Williams, Wellman Beck, Hazel Smoot, Tim Keller, Junior Dunn, Betty Dameron, Tammy Keller, Naomi Wooten, Jeff Potts, Charles England, Greta England, Lincoln Dyson, Ted Adams, Bob Ellis, Chester Reeves, Hazel Frye, Yvonne Ijames, Bonnie Gunter, Ed Livengood, Jane Tutterow, Betty Beck, Sue Gobble, Caren Morgan, Melissa Spry, Helen Bulla, Joann Renegar, Rowan Fay, Paul Beck, Greg Gobble, Betty Richardson, Fred Beck, Juanita Keaton, Clyde Jordan, WH Blackwelder and Suzonne Stratton.  Our sincere condolences to the family of Lettie Pennington.

Submit all news to me at, message me on Facebook or call me at 336-837-8122 no later than noon on Thursdays.