Order holiday greenery now

Published 9:41 am Thursday, September 27, 2018

It’s not to early to start planning for the holidays.

With that in mind, remember that the Mocksville Garden Club always has an annual Christmas greenery sale. To make ordering greenery easier, the club is having a booth at the Farmer’s Market at Junker’s Mill starting Oct. 3. Someone from the club will be on hand every Wednesday in October to take orders for Christmas greenery.

Residents and downtown merchants who buy the club’s greenery can stop by the farmer’s market to place orders.

Since the Christmas parade has been moved to Dec. 1, you can have Christmas greenery in time to decorate your business front and homes to make the town look more in the spirit of the holiday when the parade comes through.

“If you have never ordered from the club, now is a good time to check out our booth and see what all we offer,” said Linda Dean. “We are sorry to say that we are no longer selling large Christmas trees.”

This year the greenery sale consists of wreaths, garlands, table centerpieces (known to last through Valentines Day), and  three-foot Christmas trees.  New this year are Christmas Kissing Balls.

The farmer’s market booth will have order forms listing all of the greenery and prices. Place your order with payment at the booth, or take an order form with you and return it on another Wednesday.

Greenery will be available for pickup in Mocksville on Saturday, Nov. 24. Pickup location and other details will be on the greenery receipt. 
Greenery orders must be submitted by Nov. 15 with payment.

For more information, call Becky Peters at 336-998-4111.