‘Big’ a perfect match
Published 9:24 am Thursday, August 23, 2018
- Jenny Stevenson and Jessica Navarro have forged a lifelong relationship through Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
This June, Big Brothers Big Sisters Little Sister, Jessica Navarro, graduated from Davie County High School.
Her Big Sister, Jenny Stevenson, wanted to share her journey with the organization and her little.
“While in college, I had an interview with Big Brothers Big Sisters to learn the ins and outs of non-profit work. That’s when I found out about so many interesting things Big Brothers Big Sisters had to offer children in our community,” Stevenson said. “I knew I wanted to be a part of it. I met Jessica and her mom Arcadia in July 2013. On our match day, we completed icebreakers and got a chance to really get to know one another. It turned out that we had a lot in common.
“Becoming friends came easy, even though she was shy. Over the years we’ve spent our time rollerblading, ice-skating, doing projects together, attending a Harlem Globetrotters game, going to the movies, playing tennis, going to the mall and we love to go eat. I enjoyed going to her prom and photographing her senior pictures, being by her side at her science competition and cheering her on during Senior Night for sports. I’ve enjoyed attending many of her soccer games which she loves so much.”
Following is a question and answer session with Stevenson.
Q. What has been the biggest change in Jessica over the year?
A. “She is no longer shy and indecisive; she loves to make decisions. She always has a smile on her face and she’s very smart, caring, and friendly. I am so honored that she accepted me to be her Big. God put us together and nothing can tear us apart. Even in her new endeavors to college and so on, I will still be a part of her life – her Big, her friend, her biggest supporter.
Q. Do you have any advice for others interested in getting involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters?
A. “Becoming a Big and making a difference in the community has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I hope that it has made a difference in her life as much as it has made in mine.”
Navarro also answered a few questions.
Q. Jessica, tell us a little about your experience being a Little in Big Brothers Big Sisters for quite some time?
A. Through Big Brothers Big Sisters, I have had the privilege of having Jenny as my Big Sister. I will always remember the day I got the call that Big Brothers Big Sisters had found me a Big. I was so excited to meet her but nervous, too. I remember feeling scared that she wouldn’t like me or might regret the match. I now know that we are the perfect match and I see this every time we hang out or text each other. I have her to thank for bringing me out of my shell, expressing myself more and being more confident.”
Q. What are some experiences you and Jenny have had together?
A. “We have experienced so much together. One year, she helped me tryout for the basketball team. I soon learned that was not the sport for me and decided to just stick to what I was good at which is soccer. Jenny made sure to be at as many games as possible. We experienced prom together. She helped me get ready and took my prom pictures. She was also there when I had to have reconstructive ACL surgery waiting in the waiting room when I got out and providing my mom someone to lean on.
Q. How do you see your future relationship with Jenny now that you have have graduated?
A. “I know that she will always be there for me in whatever may come. Jenny is my best friend, my role model, and the big sister that I never had. If I can learn to care, love and persevere as much as she does, then I know that I will be just fine in life.”
To learn more information about how to become a Big Brother, Big Sister, or Big Couple visit http://www.bbbsnc.org/, email amauney@bbbsnc.org or by phone at 336-751-9906.