William R. Davie students stay busy
Published 9:23 am Thursday, March 15, 2018
- Chloe Christian and Heather Long as “Who”s.
Fifth graders at William R. Davie Elementary have been using context clues to understand vocabulary in literature and informational text. Students have been reading historical literature from the American Revolution period. Math stations have been used to review adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. Students continue to practice math facts daily. In science, students have been working in groups to research biomes. Each group is responsible for a particular characteristic of their biome including climate, location, animals, and plants.
Guidance classes have been exploring careers, learning about the education and preparation needed to be successful in different jobs. On Tuesday, Feb. 20 the school hosted a job fair. More than 30 visitors from the community demonstrated their careers. On Friday, Fe. 23 students dressed up as the career they would like to have.
Here is what some of the students had to say:
Majesta Anderson: “I liked how we got to learn about each job in one day. They also made me realize how important it is to listen to my teachers; getting good grades and going to college will help me get a good job.”
Caleb White: “I enjoyed learning about jobs in my community. They are all my heroes.”
Jasmine Tifft: “I liked asking them questions about their jobs and how they interacted with us. The were all nice and positive about their jobs. I liked the way I could express myself to the career presenters.”
Ariel Rodriguez: “The career fair helped inspire me to become a doctor.”
Raelyn Lankford: “The career fair gave me some great job ideas which will help guide me to find a great job.”
Caleb Coble said he enjoyed talking to the presenters and getting a picture of all the jobs to look at when he grows up.
Julia Powell: “I liked having my mom at the career fair. She is a nurse and works hard. She takes care of people. She is nice and I love her. “
Maliyah Allen: “I like how they told me the college they attended and the degree they received. I also enjoyed learning about their job.”
Shyanne Conley: “I loved all the different careers. They were all great jobs and wonderful people doing great jobs.”
On Tuesday, Feb. 27, and Wednesday, Feb. 28, the Giant Traveling Map of North