Published 9:38 am Thursday, September 28, 2017

Fed up with football players kneeling during the National Anthem? Disgusted with TV sports broadcasters babbling excuses for the dishonorable hulks in pads? Tired of football being turned into a political rally?

There is a way to escape the madness.

Unfortunately, Davie High has an ill-timed bye this Friday night.

We’re on our own.

Monopoly, anyone?

Replacing NFL football with the Davie High War Eagles is a fitting solution to these crazy times. Cheering the War Eagles is a chance to enjoy good football without the Sunday NFL hysteria over washed up quarterback Colin Kaepernick, Black Lives Matter, President Trump’s insult, the Pittsburgh Steelers hiding in the locker room, the Carolina Panthers’ Julius Peppers hanging back while his team is on the field and scores of NFL players dishonoring their country by refusing to stand during the Anthem.

It’s time to turn off the TV.

The War Eagles game is pure football without having to sit through the accompanying political drama that NFL football has become. Some of this season’s Davie games have been more exciting than anything the NFL has offered. The opener against Greensboro Page was as good — and painful — as it gets.

Take a walk on Sunday afternoons. Get your football fix on Friday nights surrounded by patriotic Americans who stand up for the National Anthem. Of course, they stand. This is America. It’s what we do. We don’t stand to honor President Trump. We stand because it’s what red-blooded Americans do — Democrats and Republicans, football players and coal miners. It’s a vital expression of our devotion to country.

The NFL players have damaged their relationship with their fans. Like it or not, President Trump is right on this issue. He may have stated it crudely, but he’s right. The image of the Steelers and some other teams hiding during the Anthem is … unmanly. Some wit coined them the “Pittsburgh Kneelers.” The name fits.

We just wanted to enjoy the game, not sit through a political lecture. One of the Sunday sports commentators repeatedly urged President Trump to apologize and get to know the NFL players better. That won’t happen. NFL players will quickly learn to stand … or their teams will be playing to empty arenas. President Trump is the least of their worries. The fans’ loyalty is being tested, and most of them love their country more than their favorite team.

Reynolds plays at Davie on Oct. 6. Davie travels to West Forsyth on Oct. 13. They should be exciting games.

Stand proudly — with everybody else — during the National Anthem while the marching band plays.

— Dwight Sparks