Big Brothers/Big Sisters seeks male mentors
Published 9:41 am Thursday, February 16, 2017
- Davie Big Brothers/Big Sisters director Jenna Hendricks promotes Bowling for Kids Sake with the King Pin.
Have you been to TC Express, Almost Home Daycare or the Davie County Public Library and noticed the new social media hashtags on their marquee signs?
These organizations are supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters Services’ campaign to find 20 men to be Big Brothers to boys in the community by displaying these hashtags: #20MenIn17, #BeAHero and #SidekicksNeedHeroes.
“At Big Brothers Big Sisters, we match Big Brothers with Little Brothers who enjoy the same activities, pastimes and hobbies to help create enduring, meaningful relationships,” said Jenna Hendricks, Davie County program manager. “Our agency provides professional support to each match relationship to ensure the volunteer, parents and child are all satisfied.”
Program Specialist Abbie Barbour led the efforts to recruit businesses to support #20MenIn17, and she shared some of the comments she received:
“Great organization, we would love to support!” Davie County Public Library
“No problem, you all do great work,” TC Express
“Sure, we would love to help!” Almost Home Daycare
Big Brothers share one hour a week with their Little Brother, and the impact can transforms lives, Hendricks said.
Big Brother Carlyle McClinton III, or Third as he’s often called, chose to volunteer his time to be a mentor through Big Brother Big Sisters Services.
“My nephew was a part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, and I saw how it changed his life. I wanted to pay it forward and say ‘Thank you for saving my nephew’,” he said.
McClinton has seen big changes in his Little over the relationship, all for the better.
“When Josh and I were first matched, he would not open up to me. He was that shy guy. Now he’s just goofy and outgoing like I am. His mother is always asking, ‘Who’s the Big Brother, and who’s the Little Brother?’ But over the years we’ve built a brotherhood, and he’s the Little Brother I always wanted.”
Volunteers can enroll online at Once Big Brother Big Sisters program staff have checked references and completed a background check, the next steps are an interview and home visit, training, and being matched with a child. The process takes four to six weeks.
Contact Hendricks at or 336-751-9906.