Mocksville eyes annexation, land swap
Published 10:30 am Thursday, October 13, 2016
Mocksville Town Board members took action last week that could lead to an annexation, and another that could lead to a property swap.
They unanimously asked the clerk to “certify the sufficiency” of a request for non-contiguous annexation from Triad Auto Group.
The action, said Town Attorney Hank VanHoy, does not approve or disapprove of the annexation request. It allows to investigate the request.
The property is at US 601 North and Ijames Church Road, and the 601 Filling Station, a restaurant, recently opened there.
Commissioner Lash Sanford questioned why the company would want an annexation, and Mayor Will Marklin said the business wants to be in town “so they can serve certain things there they can’t do now.” While alcoholic beverages can be served in restaurants in Mocksville, Davie County remains dry and such beverages cannot legally be sold there.
The board also gave VanHoy the authority to negotiate with Chad Fuller on a property swap with the town on Cemetery and North Main streets, at Rose Cemetery.
Fuller wants to exchange .15 acre for .84 acre of town property so the property, known as the Bales site, can be developed more densely, said Manager Christine Bralley. In exchange, Fuller would build a town street – one with parking on one side and dual traffic directions – from Cemetery Street to the cemetery.
That street would end in a cul-de-sac and relieve some of the pressure on cemetery roads during a funeral. Now, cars park on the side, and others can’t get by during funerals.
“Just an entrance to park cars?” asked board member, Amy Vaughn-Jones. “I don’t understand that.”
Board member Brent Ward said the site of the street appears to be somewhat of a blind spot on top of a hill.
Chuck Willis, town engineer, said site access to the street would be required.
VanHoy’s negotiations would include any money that would change hands after the value of the properties and street were figured. It would still be up to the board to approve or not approve the exchange. A property swap is one of the few land transactions the town can legally negotiate, he said.
The benefit, Bralley said, was the town’s tax base would increase with the development, as well as safer parking in the cemetery.
The decision to negotiate the swap was unanimous.