African violets topic of club luncheon
Published 9:38 am Thursday, September 15, 2016
- Anniversary luncheon hostesses Pat Mignacca and Beth Gross.
The annual fall luncheon for the Bermuda Run Garden Club was a success – with good food, program, and a project planning session.
President Peggy Schuppert presided. Lynn Marcellino, standing in for First Vice President JoAnn Mintz, introduced the quest speaker, Linda Abplanalp.
Abplanalp is a retired medical technologist who has become a dog trainer, a gem stone cutter, a quilter, a deacon in her church, as well as Sunday school teacher. She came to the garden club to present a program on African Violets. Oh, by the way, she is a National Judge for African Violet Shows
Abplanalp has a 15- by 27-foot room with its own HVAC system just for African Violets. An entertaining speaker, she provided a slide presentation on the basics for growing these lovely plants. She shared tips on soil composition to minimize compacted soil or too acidic soil. She recommended frequent repotting.
Club members were shown how to prepare water for these blooming plants and ways to water from the bottom of the pot. They learned about lighting requirements; about keeping the temperature between 65 and 75 degrees; to fertilize with every watering; and repotting every 4 to 6 months, at least.
Several lucky members received leaf cuttings with instructions on how to start an African Violet plant from a single leaf. AVSA is a web site for all you want to know about these plants.
After the program, the members of the Bermuda Run Garden Club finalized plans for entries in the Dixie Classic Fair. Members will provide horticulture specimens of blooms, vines, and greenery. Container plants and designs on a theme will be entered.
All the money won at the fair by club members goes onto projects the club supports in Davie County.
Members also finalized plans for the fall shredding event on Saturday, Oct. 8 from 9 a.m.-noon. The shredding truck will be in the Bermuda Run Town Hall parking lot just off US 158. This is a convenient drive-thru process that is secure. The cost is $5 per brown paper bag or equivalent size box of paper documents, cancelled checks, or old files, no carbon paper, cardboard or plastics. This is cash only. The funds raised benefit community projects.
Club members will prepare bouquets for Meals-on-Wheels trays in September. Chair Donna DuToit reminded members to help with this project at the Senior Center.
Fall sees the members active and involved in community projects.