Smiles and hugs greet Cooleemee students
Published 10:13 am Thursday, September 1, 2016
- Students, parents and staff walk the halls on opening day at Cooleemee Elementary.
The first day of school for Cooleemee Elementary students looked like it started off without a hitch. There were many smiles and lots of hugs.
Clement Fleming and Grimes “Bimy” Parker were outside greeting parents and children as they came down the walkway. It’s always good to see familiar faces.
Teachers were outside greeting and welcoming sweet faces that were returning plus all the new ones, too.
There were a few who got a little disoriented and weren’t sure where to go, but someone was always there to recognize that look and guide them to the right room.
One teacher was quick to hand out tissues to parents if needed and another teacher looked at a mom and said, “What’s wrong?” and quickly gave her a hug.
Once all the students were in the classrooms everything was quiet. They were busy writing their names already on books and materials or busy working with building blocks on the floor or modeling play dough on their tables. One teacher was already in a set beside a student reading a book.
At 8:15 the intercom came on with the voice of principle Cindy Stone, welcoming students to their first day at Cooleemee School.
They were instructed to rise and say the pledge of allegiance. Several teachers were walking down the hall when this occurred and they swiftly stopped walking and address the respectfully allegiance.
There was a brief moment of silence after the pledge.
Each class then recited the Cooleemee School Creed and Stone said in a happy tone, “Have a great day at Cooleemee School.”
The new school year of 2016 – 2017 has begun and without a double they are all in good hands.
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