Fund Being Started To Help Veterans In Need
Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 17, 2013
There was a decorated Korean War veteran living in Davie County who had come upon some hard times. His electricity to his home was being cut off for non-payment. He was about to lose his home.
The man was steered toward Nancy Luckey, Davie’s Veterans Service Officer.
Sure enough, he qualified for federal assistance. He had qualified since his service.
But he had never applied. And the application process could take months – maybe even longer. His electricity was being cut off that week. His home wasn’t far behind.
Luckey had no funds available for immediate assistance.
There was another Davie man, who was suffering from severe post traumatic stress disorder. His wife took him to the VA Hospital in Salisbury, and they recommended immediate in-patient treatment. The problem: the VA psychiatric facility is in Asheville. The family had no money for gas to get him to Asheville, and the VA didn’t offer transportation.
Help for cases like these is on the way.
With the support of people from Davie County, a fund is being started to provide immediate financial assistance to veterans in need. It’s the brainchild of local attorney Grady McClamrock Jr. and Marine veteran Tim Smith.
They’ve helped veterans in the past who were traveling and ran out of money in Davie County …