McDaniel: Superintendent’s ‘Fireworks’ Not Justified
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 19, 2012
By Beth Cassidy
Enterprise Record
A regular attendee and speaker during the public comments portion of the school board meetings is Randy McDaniel Sr. He spoke on a variety of topics at last week’s meeting. His comments, transcribed from audiotape by Jean Brickey, administrative assistant to the superintendent, follow.
“My name is Randy McDaniel Sr. from Mocksville. I’d like to say Happy New Year and good evening everyone. First and foremost, my words are mine only whether they are said or written. In the last four plus years this sitting board of education and some of you with former board of education members have made four decisions to remove and replace two superintendents that were under contract and two board attorneys. The reasons for these decisions had not a single thing to do with what or what’s related to anything that’s been said at this podium, a letter to the editor, an email sent, a public records request or other activities by the community.
“With that said, I’ve been coming to these meetings pretty regularly for about six years now; I just cannot understand what justified the fireworks in this room on Dec. 6, 2011. I informed the board of a ploy by an administrator recruiting other administrators to show up in large numbers to support staff in solidarity. I informed the board that night why so many of them were present. This is the same group that supported taking front row seats away from senior citizens and calling these people ‘bozos and yahoos.’ The concern was about using tax-funded computer for this purpose. What action was taken …