Kinderton Closer To Annexation
Published 12:00 am Friday, March 25, 2011
By Jim Buice
Enterprise Record
The Bermuda Run Town Council took another step toward adding Kinderton Village to Davie County’s newest municipality by unanimously agreeing to a resolution stating the intent to consider annexation in last Tuesday night’s monthly meeting.
“It’s just part of the process,” said Lee Rollins, town manager for Bermuda Run. There was virtually no discussion among council members before a vote was taken.
“I think we’ve beat this pretty good,” said councilman Andy Hewitt.
According to Rollins, the residents of Kinderton Village started inquiring about the possibility of being annexed about five years ago. Last November, the council updated what is called a resolution of consideration.
Last week’s decision started a technical phase of getting the word out about annexation, including the scheduling of a public information meeting (April 26), public hearing (May 10) and the adopting the annexation ordinance (June 14). If that happens, Bermuda Run, which was incorporated in 1999 and now …