County ‘Listening’ Tour Starts Monday
Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 24, 2011
School construction needs, aging sheriff’s department patrol cars, infrastructure needs to attract industry, less money – Davie County commissioners have their work cut out for them.
And they need help.
“The answers are not at this table,” said Mark Jones, chair of the county board of commissioners at this month’s regular meeting. “The answers about how Davie County moves forward will come from the people of Davie County. We want to listen. That’s what we’re going to do on Feb. 21.”
That Feb. 21 town hall style meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at the Cooleemee Town Hall, off NC 801. It is the first of a series of meetings, the next scheduled for April 18 at Bermuda Run Town Hall.
“We want to keep the tax rate reasonable, but we want to move forward. Davie County needs to be ready to prepare a vision to put more people to work, create jobs.
“Bring your ideas forward, so we can work on that vision,” Jones said …