Sheffield-Calahaln: Children perform at church Christmas programs
Published 12:19 pm Monday, December 23, 2024
- The children at New Union put on a special play by singing Christmas songs.
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By Brenda Thompson
Birthday wishes to: Mike Stratton on Dec. 30; Anna Swisher on Dec. 31; and Alan Spry and Bailey Vaughn on Jan. 2. Happy anniversary to Johnny and Hilda Keaton on Dec. 28. If you would like a birthday or anniversary listed, please let me know.
A bingo fundraiser will be hyeld at the Sheffield-Calahaln Community Center on Friday, Feb. 21. Hotdogs will be available. If there is a good turnout, the bingo fundraisers will continue. The center will hold its next community meeting on Jan. 21 at 7 p.m.
Worship service and Junior church class for children is held each Sunday at 10:45 a.m. at Community Covenant Church. Evangelistic service is on Sundays at 6 and Prayer meeting and Bible study is on Wednesdays at 7.
A time of prayer is held at Liberty Wesleyan Church each Sunday at 9:30 a.m., followed by Sunday School at 10 and Worship at 11. Choir practice is each Wednesday at 7.
The children at New Union Church performed the Christmas play “No Time for Christmas” on Wednesday night, Dec. 18. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed cookies and cider or hot chocolate. At this busy time of year, this play was an eye opener to the real reason for this season of Christmas.
New Union welcomes everyone to Sunday School at 9 a.m. and worship service at 10 each week. Pastor Tim Lowery invites you. The Kids and Youth ministry is held each Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30.
The Chime Choir performed Christmas music at Ijames Baptist on Sunday, Dec. 15. Their beautiful voices put everyone in the true spirit of Christmas.
Sunday School at Ijames Baptist is a 9:30 a.m., followed by the worship service at 10:30. Pastor Kestler Ruth invites you each week.
Sheffield-Calahaln VFD’s Chief Matthew Mills welcomes everyone interested in becoming a firefighter and serving the community to come by the department or call 336-492-5791.
Center Fire Department is looking for volunteers to help serve the community. If interested in being a volunteer firefighter, stop by the station at 2265 US 64 W. any Thursday night at 7 or call 336-492-7649.
Wesley Chapel UMC invites everyone to their breakfast fundraiser on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Call Kathy at 336-830-5123 for more information.
Jam sessions are held each week on Mondays at Eddie’s Place in Cool Springs from 6-9:30 p.m.
Prayer requests continue for Bryan Swain, Hazel Smoot, Tim Keller, Junior Dunn, Betty Dameron, Tammy Keller, Charles England, Lincoln Dyson, Chester Reeves, Yvonne Ijames, Bonnie Gunter, Ed Livengood, Geraldine Lambert, Betty Beck, Sue Gobble, Helen Bulla, Paul Beck, Juanita Keaton, Emily Brown, Brian Jacobs, Mary Teague, Eddie Porter, Janie Williams, Maria Knight, Violet Coursey, Clyde Jordan, Jack Seaford, Sue Seaford, Fred Beck, Michael Collier, Michele Dyson, Hilda Keaton, Taylor Thompson and Terry Dyson.
Please submit all news to me at, message me on Facebook or call me at 336-837-8122 no later than Friday.