County Line: Piney Grove homecoming Sunday
Published 12:45 pm Tuesday, October 8, 2024
- John and Bobbie Cartner Sees celebrate his 100th birthday Thursday, Oct. 3.
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By Shirley Thorne
County Line Correspondent
Piney Grove AME Zion Church will celebrate homecoming Sunday, Oct. 13. Pastor Michael Hester of Coulters Grove AME Zion of Conover will bring the message at the 3 p.m. service. There will be a covered-dish dinner in the fellowship hall prior to the homecoming service. Church members invite everyone to bring a basket filled with food and fond memories to share.
Piney Grove will hold revival at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15, and Wednesday, Oct. 16. Pastor Tim Bates of Cameron Presbyterian Church of Cleveland will be the speaker on Tuesday. Pastor Dale Gibson of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church of Statesville will be the speaker on Wednesday. Area choirs are invited to present music. Church members invite everyone for these services of dedication and renewal of faith in Jesus Christ.
The 178th annual Harmony Hill Camp Meeting continues tonight (Thursday) through Sunday under the big tent on the Harmony town square with tonight’s meal by FINS Cafe at 6 p.m. followed by The Gospel Voices in concert and message by Charlie Curtis at 7 p.m.; Friday, meal by FINS Cafe at 6 p.m. followed by Ed Bissel and Chosen Vessel in concert and message by Paul St. Clair at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Youth Night with meal at 5 followed by Hebron Baptist Youth Praise Team in concert and message by Neal Hatfield at 6; and Sunday, meal at 5, followed by Victory Miracle Center Praise Team in concert and message by Chris Richardson at 6.
Upcoming community events: a Port-a-Pit chicken fundraiser at Society Baptist Saturday, Oct. 19, from 5-7 p.m. plus silent auction 5-8 benefiting Thanksgiving meal groceries for families of need; Trunk or Treat at Clarksbury Methodist Thursday, Oct. 31; and Calvary Baptist homecoming Sunday, Nov. 3.
Calvary Baptist sent 92 filled backpacks to the South Yadkin Baptist Association Appalachian Coalfields Backpack Ministry. Folks at Calvary are collecting items for Hurricane Helene victims and the South Yadkin Baptist Christmas toy store.
Our community sends happy-birthday wishes to John Sees, who celebrated his 100th Thursday of last week. He and wife County Line native Bobbie Cartner Sees celebrated with a dinner at Ryan’s Steak House in Winston-Salem. Both retired from AT&T, they reside on Yadkin Valley Road in Davie but enjoy news from County Line and remain active. John, all of us in County Line congratulate you on reaching this milestone in life and wish you a successful and healthy new year of life.
Carol W. Holton has improved ad is recuperating at home. Michele Dyson remains positive in spirit as she was transferred to Shepherds Center in Atlanta Tuesday morning of last week to begin rehab. Terry Dyson continues under medical care. Caleb Willams and parents Perry and Vickie are at Duke University Medical Center as the medical staff evaluates Caleb for a liver resection or transplant.
Join us in prayer for the Lord’s divine healing and blessings upon Carol, Michele, Terry, Caleb, and others who are having health problems. Terry’s wife Sandra is also scheduled to have knee surgery soon. Please pray for Hazel Dyson Smoot and her entire family. Also, pray that Duke Medical staff will be able to perform successful liver transplant or resection on Caleb.
Continue to remember in prayer the families and areas affected by the massive flooding and destruction caused by Hurricane Helene. Pray for for those folks in Florida as they brace for Hurricane Milton rated a number 5 to cross from the Gulf to the Atlantic.
For news and memories to share, please call or text Shirley on 336-492-5115 or email