Women learn about food security program
Published 9:15 am Friday, November 16, 2018
- A Central Davie Academy student takes part in a Mocksville Woman's Club sponsored art project.
The October 2018 meeting for members of GFWC-NC Mocksville Woman’s Club (MWC) featured guest speaker, Dr. Jerry Cloninger.
Prior to the presentation, the club meeting was called to order by President Christy Schafer, followed by an introduction of guests. Following the invocation given by Nancy Penry, Schafer led members in reciting the club’s mission statement. Paula Harrison and Carolyn Beaver led members in The Pledge of Allegiance.
Co-chair for International Outreach Community Service Program (CSP), Paulette Agha, introduced the guest speaker who began his presentation with the mantra, “Teach them to fish.”
Cloninger founded a non-profit, international Christian ministry outreach known as Raised Ministries, a name selected for his ministry goals – seeking to improve food security, promoting clean water and achieving sustained horticulture – raised beds and raised crops produce raised hopes.
Donations to the ministry are used to purchase materials and seeds to construct raised bed gardens, cultivate nutritious organic foods and provide training so persons can learn to grow their own food, not only locally in Mooresville, but in other regions of the United States and internationally. The ministry seeks to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by teaching people to provide food for themselves and through understanding and learning of horticultural principles within the agricultural parables of Jesus.
Pastor of First Baptist Church in Mooresville, Cloninger returned to N.C. State University where he received a degree in horticulture. From there, he’s been active through his ministry in Honduras and Africa – bartering for African honeybees, screening soil, planting key-hole gardens, building gardens from recycled garbage, and wrestling with large Green Mambas, a tree-dwelling and highly venomous snake species.
He spends his time teaching what people need to know about soil conditions such as mulch, manure, and compost – the basic information necessary to help them grow anything. Coninger’s hope is that one day, “they would have knowledge that can’t be taken away.”
Following the presentation, community service project (CSP) reports were given by respective co-chairs for community projects. Club members take an active leadership in responding to the needs of people through community service programs focused on the arts, conservation, education, public issues, international outreach, and home life.
Stephanie Dean reported on an Arts CSP project at Central Davie Academy in September where students hand modeled and sculpted clay into faces and pumpkins.
For Conservation CSP, Christine Bralley and Vickie Smitherman reported they will focus on food sourcing and sponsor the “Hunger Fighters” at Davie High School. MWC will donate change at meetings to help the cause.
At Central Davie Academy, the butterfly garden will be a central focus, and an art project painting pumpkins took place in October.
Karen Myers, co-chair for Education CSP, announced a donation to Central Davie Academy for the purchase of gift cards and books for the Davie County School Spelling Bee and SMART Start for support materials for parents. The SMART Start Hoedown event will be supported by MWC members.
MWC will participate in mock interviews at Davie County High School and continue to place books in the Little Free Library located at Rich Park. Interview date has been set for MWC scholarship.
Co-chair, Luanne Taylor, for Home Life CSP let members know the Storehouse Christmas Baskets Project had begun and thanked members for the donations. The club was reminded of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a need for yearly mammograms.
For International Outreach, co-chair, Paulette Agha, reported a continued focus on the continuation of support of Raised Ministries. A donation was presented to Cloninger, and seeds continue to be collected for the ministry.
Co-chairs for Public Issues CSP, Paula Harrison and Carolyn Beaver, reported a Davie Pregnancy Center project. A program will feature additional information at a later date. MWC will assist in filling diaper bags for new mothers. A date for touring a mobile ultrasound van will be scheduled.
At Autumn Care, 24 residents were served for bingo games and seven club members were present as part of the Sunshine/Bingo committee, led by Evelyn Daniel.
Linda Dorsett updated members on the Storehouse Christmas Angel project and MWG support/volunteers. President, Christy Schafer suggested aid to responders of Fairmont, through provision of sleeping cots, bedding, and cooking utensils. The recommendation was approved, and a donation was made to these responders as well as the Davie County Swift Water Response Team.
The MWC meeting was adjourned at noon, and Cloninger offered a blessing prior to lunch being served.
Women of all ages, interests, and experiences belong to GFWC – General Federation of Women’s Clubs-the oldest and one of the largest non-denominational, non-partisan, international service organizations of volunteer women in the world. If interested in learning more about Mocksville Woman’s Club, attend a meeting as a member’s guest.