Woman’s club celebrates Federation Day
Published 10:33 am Thursday, May 24, 2018
The Federation Day celebration was well deserved at April’s meeting of Mocksville Woman’s Club (MWC) when club members were honored for years of community service and fellowship.
Organized and federated in 1962, the MWC is a district which belongs to The General Federation of Women’s Clubs-North Carolina (GFWC-NC), organized in 1902. As one of the oldest and largest service organizations of volunteer women in the world, the purpose is to respond to the needs of people in local communities. MWC has a long history of doing just that–now celebrating 56 years of setting goals, making milestones, and memories.
Following an inspirational message read by Nancy Penry, club president-elect, Christy Schafer, conducted the Federation Day program, sharing a history of the club.
President Marlene Shamel and club member Evelyn Daniel read the club litany, followed by a reading of “A Collect for Clubwomen” by Elke Albrecht.
Each member received a small gift – either paper, wood, aluminum, crystal, china silver, ruby, or gold – commemorating the number of years with the club. Member Gail Kelley received five chocolate bars wrapped in gold foil, one for each decade of community service.
MWC has a record of supporting events that have contributed to the education, civic, cultural, domestic, and social improvement of the community.
Following the presentation of awards, service reports were announced. For Education Community Service Report, Karen Myers and Linda Dorsett congratulated and introduced student, Jessica Navarro, as the scholarship award recipient. Accepting the scholarship check from club treasurer, Alice Sineath, Ms. Navarro expressed appreciation for being selected and shared her plans with club members.
Home life chairs, Luanne Taylor and Sharon Murphy, thanked members for collecting cleaning products, which were donated to Storehouse for Jesus.
For International Outreach, chair Paulette Agha announced an upcoming project in May making little boy shorts for Pochocuape Christian School in Managua, Nicaragua.
As head of the sunshine committee, Evelyn Daniel set up bingo for 23 residents of Autumn Care on April 2. Four club members assisted residents with their cards and helped hand out prizes. The club continues to collect small stuffed animals and jewelry for the residents to use as bingo prizes.
President Marlene Shamel shared information on the Dragonfly House fundraising gala.
An invitation was issued to the Pearls of Empowerment ’s membership social and fashion show.
Following the meeting, club members helped fill small floral containers with plants to be used as table favors for Woman’s Day.