7 new jobs in county budget

Published 11:46 am Thursday, June 9, 2016

Davie County department heads requested 22 new positions for the upcoming fiscal year that begins on July 1.

County Manager Mike Ruffin is recommending, and county commissioners are scheduled to vote on June 20, funding seven of those positions: two telecommunicators for 911, two parks and recreation employees (The county is taking over the program from the Town of Mocksville, and the director’s job is already being funded.), two firefighters, and an income maintenance case worker for the Department of Social Services.

The proposed budget includes no tax increase, which will remain at 72.8 cents per $100 property valuation. There is also no planned increase in water or sewer rates.

The proposal includes a two percent cost-of-living increase for county employees, as well as some $75,000 more to pay workers moved to different pay grades after a study.

Ruffin said the new parks and recreation budget is similar to what the county paid the town, but some $71,000 was added for maintenance of the Brock Gym.

He also said Davie is starting to see modest growth in the tax base, which provides about 61 percent of revenue coming in to the county.

The budget is balanced at $56.8 million, 2.48 percent less than last fiscal year. Much of that decrease has to do with the sale of the county’s home health agency, Ruffin said.

The budget proposal can be viewed at www.daviecountync.gov/, or at the administration building.