Woman’s Club learns about Victory Junction Gang
Published 9:39 am Thursday, March 26, 2015
- Donna French, Wendy Carricker, Linda Sechrist and Alice Sineath with a NASCAR bear and information about the Victory Junction Gang Camp.
Laughter, horseback riding, happiness, boating, participating, swimming, meeting new friends, themed programs, wearing a costume, archery … sounds like a summer camp.
It is, but it is no ordinary camp. It is the Victory Junction Gang – a camp for children with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses.
Wendy Carricker, past president of the Greater Federation of Woman’s Clubs in North Carolina, has been a volunteer for two weeks each summer since 2005 at Victory Junction. She brought the camp story to the Mocksville Woman’s Club at the March meeting. The camp in Randleman encompasses 84 acres and is in memory of Adam Petty, the grandson of Richard and Lynda Petty.
Each summer, for one week, 128 campers have the experience of camping in a safe and medically-sound environment. Thirty hospitals partner with Victory Junction to provide health care for campers, who are referred by doctors. The $2,500 cost for each child is covered by donations.
Carricker described the camp and told of experiences as a volunteer. Each child receives a blanket and a NASCAR bear when they arive. In the 16 cabins (identified with race cars), there are eight campers age 6-16.
A highlight is a weekly talent show in which all campers participate, choosing costumes, writing scripts and being on the stage – always a recipe for fun and excitement.
Each night, campers participate in “Thorns & Roses” when they talk about something sad they experienced that day and then something happy they experienced during the day.
“I always volunteer in one of the younger boys cabins, and am constantly amazed at what they discuss and share,” Carricker said.
Mocksville Woman’s Club supports the camp. To learn more, visit www.victoryjunction.org.
Marlene Shamel, club first vice president, was honored at a recent GFWC-NC District IV meeting as Club Woman of the Year.
Receiving the Yearbook Award was Jean Saunders, president.
Christy Schafer, second vice president, won “Ordinary Women Making an Extraordinary Difference.”
The home life committee featured St. Patrick’s Day table decorations and a lunch with Irish corned beef and cabbage.