Election’s Over; Can We Agree On Thanksgiving?
Published 12:00 am Monday, December 3, 2012
By the time this is printed, we will know the answers. The votes will be counted. Some will be happy. Some will be sad. And we can look forward to Thanksgiving — something we can all agree on.
Pollsters have been quizzing us about everything. One poll found that nearly 25 percent had a friendship damaged by the election. We are the Sensitive Generation — too easily offended.
What the pollsters couldn’t determine is who would win the election before we voted. Like football, you can’t always predict the outcome. You still have to play the game. On Tuesday, we still had to vote.
Well, some of us did. Many had voted well in advance of Tuesday.
To miss the expected lines on Tuesday, Elizabeth and I voted Friday afternoon. I had driven by the Bermuda Run town hall at noon and saw no line of voters and not many cars in the parking lot.
The line was inside — wrapped through the inner recesses of the building, maybe 50 people deep — and the printer was broken. At an election officer’s suggestion, we went to Mocksville and walked right in.
Election workers need a hug. They have worked their fingers to the bone in recent weeks as voters turned out in record numbers.
In Davie, 12,136 voters — 42.7 percent of the total registered — cast early ballots. That’s more than vote on some non-presidential years. The county received 1,300 requests for absentee ballots — far more than the usual 300 to 400.
There was a lot of voting going on.
Maybe today George W. Bush can go out in public again. Blamed by the Democrats for society’s ills and dodged by the Republicans, Bush has studiously avoided the public eye for four years. Now that the election is over, maybe he and Laura can go out to dinner.
Clint Eastwood called the other night. I wasn’t at home, but he left a nice message on the answering machine. Too bad we couldn’t have chatted about his old Westerns.
I ordered a dozen fancy irises from a catalog store this fall. Only 11 arrived. A note informed me that a blue variety bulb wasn’t yet available. It came this week, a month later, in an oversized box capable of holding …